My Story

As an educational program coordinator for people working in eldercare, I observed programs on a wide variety of conditions that affect the health of older adults. I also recognized a common denominator—exposure to toxic chemicals. 

But it wasn’t until I was at a small gathering and met a labor and delivery nurse, that I started to learn more about how prevalent these toxins are in the products we use in our homes. She shared with me how she had switched to products without toxins in order to improve her family’s wellness. She clearly believed in medicine, but she had found another way to help keep her family healthy.

I wanted the same for my family. I realized then that while I couldn’t control the environment outside my house, I could control the inside. That evening, I purchased a Young Living starter bundle and began learning more about what products are truly safe.

At first it angered me to find that many companies trick us into believing their products are natural and safe. But anger turned into empowerment. Young Living made it easy to swap the old products for safer alternatives. The more I learned about the Young Living mission, the more I trusted their products to protect my family. 

I have always been a helper, which is why I’m proud to have helped over 100 families, and counting, make better informed choices. I’m also grateful I can financially contribute to our family. But secretly … I believe so strongly in these products and lifestyle that I would share them anyway. Would you be open to me sharing more about this lifestyle with you?